Saturday, September 12, 2009

Week 3

Topic: Blocking Root node only


Lecture/Demo: Blocking out the shot from the root.

Activity: Dailies: Look at and Discuss reference movies

Assignment: Start blocking, root node only. Do a full pass on both characters.


In the first movie file, you are blocking the full body movements, using only the root node.


Start building the poses over the foundation of the root timing. Use the same frames as the root node. Using the graph editor, copy the movement of the root into the nodes of the spine. You will then need to remove some of the range of movement in the root, since copying the movements up the spine will multiply the effect. Rough out the arm poses, using the same keyframes. Don't worry too much about getting the poses for the arms looking perfect for blocking.

Goals for this week's Blocking;

  1. Size and placement of the characters in the scene
  2. Staging to best show the performance
  3. Choreograph the performances to work together and lead the viewers eye from one character to another during the dialogue piece

The viewer's eye can only be in one place at once.
Don't... have one character standing still, while the other character is talking, waiting for their turn to speak. Rather have them listening and reacting to what is being said. 'Do Nothing Excellently'. The trick is to keep it subtle. Sometimes the reaction of the secondary character is more important than the character talking.

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