JLipSync is a Xsheet program that can help you map out you mouth phonemes (with a visual representation) to the waveform of you sound clip. Download the zipped program from the link below:
1. Open JLipSync.jar
2. File - Open - (change options to .wav file) - select your sound .wav file
After it is imported you should see the waveform in the upper section of the program.
3. Go to the desired frame (by scrubbing through waveform or selecting it in the xsheet section), double click on the desired phoneme on the left. You should see the picture in the upper right reflect your choice (and the phoneme description should be place in the frame on the xsheet).
4. Repeat through the entire sound clip.
5. Play and save.
If anyone knows how to attach files to a blog post (that aren't videos or pics) please let me know.
I filled the sheet out but I couldn't figure out where to put the actual dialog because this just works by sound. I hope I did it correct. has anyone else used this JLipSync?