Saturday, January 9, 2010

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Justin Owens - Week 15

Here's my piece. It still needs quite a bit of polishing, but I'm fairly happy with the general timing and poses.

I finally got around to getting the last two segments in there (reaction to the voice and the girl herself). I made the mistake of not blocking that out from the beginning (partially because I hadn't made a choice as to how I wanted that end section to go). I like the basics of the end now, but I'm not sure about the tone. I have the woman reacting quite negatively to the girl, I like the contrast of that choice, but I'm not sure yet if it fits the piece overall.

Though this is the end of the semester, I look forward to finishing this piece over the coming weeks. Left to do: finalize the acting choices for the end, proper arm sway, faster eye movement (I really want the eyes to dart around), overlap of course and some subtle expression work throughout. Oh, and the lipsync. I spent so much time trying to have the characters speak with their body language, I only tackled a small section of the actual lipsync.

I feel I've learned an incredible amount this semester, this class is what I've been waiting for.

Week 15

Well its week 15, I don't know how it came up so fast but this is my animation as of today.

Alpa - Final Submission

Monday, December 14, 2009


We are having our final dailies tomorrow at noon in the final review room. Files must be in drop off folder ready to be viewed by noon tomorrow,Tuesday December 15th or they will be marked as late. See you then!